There is a pattern to how people arrange themselves in elevators depending on the number of other passengers. (via The Morning News.)

If someone else comes in, we may have to move. And here, it has been observed that lift-travellers unthinkingly go through a set pattern of movements, as predetermined as a square dance.

On your own, you can do whatever you want – it’s your own little box.

If there are two of you, you take different corners. Standing diagonally across from each other creates the greatest distance.

When a third person enters, you will unconsciously form a triangle (breaking the analogy that some have made with dots on a dice). And when there is a fourth person it’s a square, with someone in every corner. A fifth person is probably going to have to stand in the middle.

I liked the part where it is explained why we are socially awkward in elevators.

“You don’t have enough space,” says Professor Babette Renneberg, a clinical psychologist at the Free University of Berlin.